Top 15 Digital Skills You Need For Your Digital Marketing Career

Every profession needs specific skills to be mastered, and when you hone those skills, you do best in that job. Technology grows every day, and there is always someone who finds something new now and then. Some findings even make a breakthrough.

You need to keep yourself updated to know what’s new in the market. Using more unique and advanced technology will help you score more in your business. Of all the currently available career options, digital marketing is one of the most fast-growing paths. As exciting as it sounds, in simple words, digital marketing is a step ahead of traditional marketing.

Digital Skills for a Digital Marketer

It takes your brand closer to people and makes it reach a more extensive crowd across the globe. Through digital marketing, your brand grows faster and better. With growing technology, everyone is moving towards paperless and smarter marketing techniques. And all of these come under digital marketing. This is another reason why this sector is growing at a rapid pace. Every brand now considers this essential and imperative for their business.

For learning the basics of digital marketing you can try out the best digital marketers who can change the game plan for their company. To get into the best of the companies, you have to be the best of all in the lot. Digital marketing, unlike any other profession, has a set of skills that one needs to know if not a master in it. These will help them perform better and help businesses grow in the right direction.

Now, let’s see what are the digital skills of a digital marketer.

15 Digital Skills You Must Have As A Digital Marketer

Let us dive in and understand the most important digital skills that one needs to know to become the best digital marketer are;

  • Video Making
  • SEO and SEM
  • Content Creation & Marketing
  • Social Media Management
  • Basics of Designing
  • Customer Relationship
  • Email Marketing
  • Editing and Writing Skills
  • Data Analysis
  • Smartphone Marketing
  • Communication Skills
  • Listening Skills
  • Tech Savvy
  • Good Researcher
  • Team Player

1. Video Making

Video making is one of the digital skills you must know as a digital marketer. Videos tend to capture someone’s attention more than any write-up. Videos sweep the internet in a better way. More than 75% of customers tend to get attracted to your brand through a powerful video with a powerful message. This makes it stand apart from the crowd. Video making is vast. It is no easy task. But as a beginner, you need not know the entire process of video making.

You should be knowledgeable enough to capture something that’s happening momentarily and be able to make necessary edits. If you find this skill interesting, there’s nothing better than it. Video making is a vast topic, but with the right guidance, you will be able to learn the whole of it. Until then, make sure you get your hands on basic editing, at least from a mobile app.

2. SEO & SEM

SEO is also one of the digital skills and it is as important as other digital skills you must learn if you don’t know. What makes or breaks a brand is the SEO on its website. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) or SEM (Search Engine Marketing) is the fuel of any brand. It optimizes the page with algorithms such that the page ranks at the top of the first page of the Google search. Why is it necessary, you ask? Well, none would go through as many pages as the search engine shows. If you do not rank at the top, there are high chances that you will lose your potential customers. SEO helps in doing this. An  is in high demand in any company because everyone wants to be on top.

3. Content Creation & Content Marketing

How creative are you? If you have a creative answer to this question, you are on the line to bag the most exciting job in digital marketing. Content is the powerhouse of any brand. The more creative, the more customers love you. Fevicol, Pepsi, Apple, and Flipkart are some of the most creative brands that always come up with new content to attract customers. Creating content is one of the most interesting and challenging jobs.

When you sit down to draft original content for your brand, you are supposed to think from the customer’s point of view – what would drive me crazy to this brand that I will go and buy their product? This simple question helps you create wonders. While content creation is half a coin, marketing is another part of it. It is just as important as making any good content. Good digital marketing should be witty, creative, and of all, should know what’s in the current trend.

4. Social Media Management

Another basic and most important skill a digital marketer should have is knowing the in and out of a social media platform. Right now, the most frequently used social media platforms for marketing by brands are Facebook and Instagram. Knowing the analytics and the tactics to put these to the best use to market a product can make you a successful marketer.

The reason why brands choose these platforms is that today every other person has an account on either Facebook or Instagram. Gen Z is all over these platforms, and it’s more likely that they get aware of a product in these spaces than from anywhere else. Also, as a digital marketer, you should be able to read the analytics and statistics that these provide. This is very important to manage a brand’s social media platform.

5. Basics Of Design

The field of digital marketing is very colourful and creative. One needs to continually come up with ideas to impress their customers. One of the basic knowledge is to have on design. You need not create great graphics. But on the other hand, you should have a good understanding of customers’ tastes and preferences and how to put an idea out in public. Some basic typography, some template creation, or knowing how to make a post look colourful will help you get the first seat at the job!

6. Customer Relationship

As a digital marketer, you will have to manage and deal with a lot of customers and brands. The success of your marketing skills is proven when you have a good number of clients. And for this, you need to have a good customer relationship with your clients. You must always work and keep your clients in your good books. Making them feel important is one of the prime things you should do to retain them. Have excellent customer relationship skills.

7. Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most important digital skills for yourself as well as for the brand as a digital marketer. If there is a way that you can convince your brands and your clients, it is through

8. Editing & Writing Skills

If there is one thing that bands don’t appreciate, it is clutter. The importance of ‘right communication’ is essential in this industry. One wrong word or ideology can break the complete trust of a brand. You will be expected to edit content before it is published, or you might even have to tweak and write better content to suit the market requirements. Editing and writing are, thus, very crucial .

9. Data Analysis

Numbers and statistics matter the most in this field. It is with these numbers that you can gauge and understand the performance. There are a vast number of tools available online that help understands the needs of the target customers and get to them with the right messages. Data analysis is the process of using functional techniques and processing customer data.

Collecting data is not difficult. You can always lend a form to your customers and ask them to fill it out, or at the least get essential insights based on their online activity on your website or the social media page. However, it is useless if you do not know how to analyze it. You should know how to declutter, clean, and analyze the raw data to make rational analysis out of it to make informed and successful marketing decisions as a marketer.

10. Smartphone Marketing

Today, almost everyone has a smartphone. Mobile phones give better opportunities to everyone who uses them the right way. More than half the population does product research on their mobile phones. There are so many ways to understand your customers through mobile marketing. Also, with the introduction of social media platforms and new ones per se, there are so many ways to understand customers through mobile marketing techniques. As a marketer, you will be expected to dive deep and understand this concept and use the tactics to reach customers.

11. Communication Skills

One thing that binds all your other skills together is communication skills. You need to have a good command of the language and should have the ability to convince and communicate. A person with strong communication skills is known to win worlds by the charm of their words.

12. Listening Skills

You might be thinking that why is the listening skill important in digital marketing? Yes, it’s very important for a digital marketer to have this digital skill. Listening to people around is just as critical. We often forget to be good listeners. We tend to try and make our story bigger and do to heed others. There will be times when your clients can get way too demanding. In such times, you should sit back and lend ears to their concerns and demands as that is how you will maintain a good relationship with them. It is said that half the problems would be solved when you give the right ear to the person venting out. Besides, excellent listening skills are also crucial as they will help you pay attention to minute details that will help you perform better.

13. Tech Savvy

New gadgets get introduced in the market now and then. New versions of all mobile phones get released almost every alternate month. The latest technology is budding everywhere. Being informed up to date on the latest tech products gives you an upper hand in dealing with things. Because this way, you can get work done smarter, faster, and better. Technology up-gradation is vital for any business, especially digital marketing. New apps, tools, devices, and tactics are all good to know about.

14. Good Researcher

Doing good research is the best digital skill you have. Are you another mini Wikipedia? Then you’re the best fit for this job. Digital Marketing is all about finding out the best to be on the top. If you are choosing to be a content writer, then this skill is vital. The online world is full of tons and tons of information. You will come across the right ones and the wrong ones as well. It is up to you to research and find the correct content and the right information. Also, you should make sure your content is original and plagiarized. Plagiarized content can raise many ethical questions. A good researcher is always appreciated.

15. Team Player

Digital Marketing is a very vast subject and a very different ball game. There are so many things to master to run a successful digital marketing firm. Not everyone is good at everything. You might be good at making great videos while someone else might be at creating great content while another with impressive editing skills. Working as a team can give great benefits and eventually help you land big clients. Being a team player and working together will not only help you grow as a company but also helps in individual development for you to learn new things and become better in your career.

Digital Marketing is an excellent choice of career, especially given the current rapid growth in this industry. You can become one too! But you need to master some or better all of the above digital skills to become a better digital marketer. The most important of all is, finding your niche skill. Find what suits you best and pick the right choice.

The next batch of Digital Scholar’s  will start on 15th April, 2023. In order, to learn all the digital skills to become a digital marketer, you can take the course at the earliest on the offer price.

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